Monday, September 27, 2010

Life in Guatemala

Hi Everyone!

I want to first apologize that I don't have any pictures up. My computer decided that its USB drive was going to stop reading anything I put into it. Therfore, I cannot upload pics, use my webcam, or upload anything. So, until I can figure out if and when it will get words will have to do! So Sorry!

Aside from that, all is well in the land of the eternal spring. Right now we are in the rainy season, so it rained every day, almost all day for like the first 3 weeks I was here. Then, the sun showed up and shined its splendor on this beautiful country. Ok so thats a bit dramatic, but after 3 weeks of hardcore rain, thats how I felt!! Living here has been great though. I am so thankful to the Lord because my adjustment and transition has been rather smooth. Of course there are moments that I miss home (especially my family), but being here feels very natural for me. I know that that is the Lord.

There are many things here in Guatemala that remind me of home, for instance:
it could be 80 degrees one day and 60 the next
traffic is pretty bad
prices are pretty inflated
McDonalds, Wendy's, and Burger King
pot holes
PriceMart (which is just like Sams club, also owned by Walmart)

And then of course there are things that are nothing like home, for instance:
guards with riffles at banks, malls, and well pretty much everywhere!
random people (well they are not that random) with personal body guards
road construction that is not blocked off and constuction workers in everyday clothing and no hard hats
mud slides
beautiful mountain views

I really am enjoying living here and learning the culture. It has come in handy knowing spanish, however, there are still words that I don't understand or are used differently (gotta be careful there!).

As far as ministry goes, here are some updates;

A few weeks ago, we kicked off the youth group for the Missionary Kids that attend Christian Academy of Guatemala (its where the Musacchio kids attend). Many of these students have not had the youth group experience that many of us have had in the states. Our goal is to make it a place that is for them, where they will feel free to worship God and develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. I'm starting to get to know the students and I am looking forward to developing relationships with them. We have had a great turn out and the students are excited about it.

Currently, our ministry team is in a transitional stage. John and Dina feel the Lord leading them in a different direction and we are asking God to show us what is next. We have started visiting ministry sites, mostly orphanages and homes. There is so much need in Guatemala, and so much to be done, we really need the Lord to show us where we are suppossed to invest our time and resources. We have spent alot of time meeting and praying and seeking God for the next step. I know that something incredible is on the horizon.

God has really been meeting me in my time with Him. He is taking me deeper into His word and showing me that He really is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. I do have my moments where I REALLY start to miss everyone and feel a bit lonely, but God has comforted me and been so close to me. My time of worship with Him has also been incredibly sweet. He has kept my heart full.

I know that so many of you have been praying for me and I am so thankful for that!
Here are a few prayer requests;
Please pray for our ministry and the direction that God is taking us in
Pray that I find a good vehicle that is within my price range (been searching for 3 weeks now)
Pray that the Lord would continue to give me grace
Pray for my parents that I know are missing me a whole bunch and are still getting used to me being gone!

Again thank you all so much for your prayers, emails, and FB messages. You have NO IDEA how much they mean to me!

Until Next Time,
Pa Lante y Pa'l Cielo!
