So the original target date for me to leave was January. I am still here. Really, I can't leave until all my support is raised and that hasn't happened yet. Although I am excited to go and even a bit anxious to get started on the work of the Lord in Guatemala, I have a peace about still being here. One of the things I have learned and really experienced in my life is the sovereignty of God. I know that nothing happens without God knowing it because He ordains all things. If God would have wanted me in Guatemala in January, He, being the owner of all the silver and gold, owning all the cattle on a thousand hills, would have provided all the support I needed before then. He didn't. I know that I will get to Guatemala at the exact time that God wants me there. Not a moment sooner and surely not a moment later.
As I was praying and meditating about this, the Lord reminded me of the scripture that says "Are not 2 sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your (and my) Father. And even the very hairs on your head are numbered. So don't be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows". Matthew 10:29-31.
If God cares so much about the happenings in the life of a sparrow, how much more does He care about me, His daughter. The very one that He created in His image and calls His own. I mean, have you ever tried to count the number of hairs on your head? I don't know about you, but that number changes daily for me! I shed like crazy. And yet He never loses count. Who but our heavenly Father cares that deeply about us. There is not one detail in my life that God has missed. Me missing my original target date is not an oversight on God's behalf. Oh no, He is sovereign. I rest securely in knowing that the God who wills whether or not a sparrow that is sold for less than a penny falls to the ground, is the very same God who has called me to Guatemala. He is the one controlling the situation, He is the one making a way, and in HIS PERFECT TIMING, I will be well on my way to the country of eternal spring!
Pa Lante Y Pal Cielo! (Onward and Upward!)