Wednesday, February 8, 2012

READY.......OR NOT????

Are we prepared to pay the cost of sanctification? 
Are we really prepared for God to perform in us everything for which He separated us?

Those were some of the questions posed in my devo today.  

I often ask God to separate me for Himself.  My hearts desire is to be set apart for His glory and His glory alone. I want my life to reflect Him in me (I am a work in progress!).  I constantly give Him authority over me and ask Him to have His way in my life.  Not my will but your will be done Lord.  
But after I read those questions, I thought "do I even know what I am asking when I pray all those things?"
Well, the answer is yes! I know exactly what I am asking.  I am asking God to have full reign in my life and I sincerely mean it.  However, am I prepared to go through the process and pay the cost of sanctification (being set apart), well, sometimes that is another story!

I have learned through my own experiences that saying yes is (usually) the easier part.  It's what happens after you say yes.  It's after you say yes and the sanctification process begins that we realize "uh oh....what is going on here?"
See I am ready for the end result (at least I tend to think I am!).  I am ready to be oh so holy and set apart.  What I am not ready for is the process to get there.  You know what I'm talking about.  It's when God begins to reveal things to you about yourself that you would rather not know, when the poking gets harder,  the convictions stronger, and the sacrifices and the cost become real.   But it's also when your time with God becomes sweeter, you feel stronger, and you receive fresh revelations of God's grace and of who He is.  
So I ask myself, am I prepared for the cost of sanctification? Am I prepared for God to perform in me everything for which He has separated me for?
More often than not, I don't quite feel prepared.  However I have decided that I will go through the process anyway.  God has always been faithful and He will give me the grace and the strength that I need to go through the process and come out victorious.  God wants to separate us for a purpose.  It's because He loves us and has plans for us, some that we know nothing about. There is something that He wants to do in us and through us, but first He wants to sanctify us.
When we say yes to God to whatever He is asking us to do, it is a process.   Some processes are short and some are way longer than we would like them to be.  But in order for us to get to the place where God wants us, we must allow the process to take place.

Help me submit to the process. Help me to trust in You with all of my heart and not lean on my own limited understanding.  May I walk through this process with grace and end up in the place You have prepared for me.  Set me apart daily for You.

Pa Lante y Pal Cielo!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hi everyone!
Hope you are all doing well!
I know it's been a while since I have last updated so here is a quick "run down" of all the "happenings" from the last few months!!

In November, the National Assemblies of God Church in Guatemala held a retreat for all the Pastors' Wives in the country.  The womens' ministry from my church was asked to coordinate all the logistical aspects for the event.  Over 800 women attended and it was a huge success!  The women of Iglesia Vida worked diligently to ensure that the ladies were well taken care of.  We had over 100 women volunteers from our church help out in the 3 day event.  I can brag on these ladies ALL DAY!  They were amazing!!!  What a privilege it was for me to work along side these women who served so humbly and with such joy from before sun up to well after sun down!

Early in the year, I felt led to organize a multi-generational womens event.  Womens ministry (WM) in Guatemala is primarily for married women.  I felt strongly that all women needed to be included in WM.  I was given the opportunity to organize the event along with the WM leadership team.  It was an incredible night!  We had over 200 women from 13-80 worshiping God together, sharing a meal, and fellow-shipping. Debbie Amsler, an AG Missionary spoke on the importance of the older generation teaching the younger and declaring the works of the Lord to the next generation.  We celebrated every generation represented and praised God!

Mi Especial Tesoro Girls Home
December marked the end of English classes at the girls’ home.  I was able to celebrate Christmas with them (a few days before Christmas) and spend some time with each of the girls.  They each received purses filled with both necessities and some things for them to enjoy!  I will miss going to the home and seeing their precious faces weekly!

Thank you Chicago Tabernacle Transformed Youth Ministry for sponsoring the girls Christmas

What’s Happening NOW??!!!!

In January, Evangel Assemblies of God from Buffalo, New York brought a team to work with us.  Although most of the team came to do construction on the Bible School, we had the chance with a few ladies on the team to minister to some young ladies.  We spent 3 days visiting a shelter for abused women.  We did some crafts with them but most importantly we demonstrated the love of Jesus to them.  We did devotions every day and prayed with them.  At the end of the 3 days, 2 of the girls made a decision to accept Christ into their hearts.
This month, we have another team coming from Ontario, New York.  We will be ministering in public schools and working with a church plant. 
March 2nd, I will be speaking at an event for young adult women.  I am looking forward to  sharing God’s heart for them!
Speaking of March, I will be leaving the “land of eternal spring” and heading back to “the windy city” on March 5th.  My term here is ending, and I sense the Lord leading me back to Chicago for an indefinite amount of time.  I will continue to take online classes and work on obtaining my ministry credentials.  I am looking forward to all that God has for me in Chicago (not sure what that is yet, but I know it will be GOOD!!!)

I want to thank all of you for your continued prayers and support.  Please remember me in your prayers as I end my time here and prepare to return to the States.  I look forward to seeing many of you upon my return!
Pa’ Lante y Pal Cielo!