I have started reading the devotional "Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murphy. I'm only 2 days in but it is really challenging me. Andrew asks are we satisfied with simply coming to God, allowing Him to forgive our sins grant us salvation, and answer our petitions, or are we abiding in Him. There is nothing wrong with that really, but God wants more from us and for us.
To abide means "remain; continue; stay"
I think many times we wake up in the morning, have our prayer times and devotions, and then go about our day. Thats great, we should have that time with God every day, but we are suppossed to abide in God. We are to stay with Him, continue our day with Him, and remain near to Him. I know thats not always easy when there are a million things on our "to do" list. But I think, "wow, how different would my life be if every moment of the day I was abiding in Him?....if I made a continuous conscience effort to to remain in Him?"
I am not there yet, but that is where I strive to be. In a place where I am walking in His prescence every moment,where I am always mindful of the fact that He is right next to me.
God doesn't want us to just come to Him, He wants us to abide in Him. John 15:4 says that when we abide in Him, we bear fruit. God wants us to experience His pleasures and delight in His goodness. Andrew Murray said "Who would, after seeking the King's palace, be content to stand at the door, when he is invited in to dwell in the King's presence, and share with Him in all the glory of His royal life?" The King of Kings has invited us to dwell in His presence and share in His glory!!!! Thats pretty amazing! Lets RSVP to that invitation with a big fat YES! I don't want to stand at the door of the palace, I want to live in the palace with my Father the King. Let us not simply come to Jesus, let us abide in Him and experience the fullness of who He is.
1 comment:
I want so much to dwell in his presence! My answer is YES LORD YES LORD!!!! Myriam Borrayo CT
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