Friday, August 19, 2011

It's Been A Year!

So I have been here an entire year! I can't even believe it.  Here is a video update to let you all know what has been going on the last few months.  It's been a great year!!!!!  Much Love!  xoxoxoxoxo

Currently, I am about 30% short of my monthly budget....Please pray about how you can partner with me financially either through a one time donation or by becoming a monthly donor. Thank you!

If you would like to make a donation in my name, you can send a check with Acct. # 2949329 written in the memo and send the check to
Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 North Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

If you would like to become a monthly contributor please email me for furthur information
For automatic credit card withdrawal you can print off and fill out the form with my account number (2949329) on the website below… then send it to the AGWM address posted above.

Contact Me!!!
Here is my contact information
Email: cro1780@gmail
Skype Name: Cicely Rosario
Home Address:
9A Calle A 8-59 Casa 14 Condominio Las Mercedes
Zona 8 de Mixco, CD San Cristobal
Guatemala, C.A

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