Wednesday, September 21, 2011

'Enter that Rest"

Yesterday, during my time of prayer, I spent alot of time praying for myself.  Not for my needs and wants neccesarily, but for my spiritual life.  Asking God to fill me, to use me, to do with me as He would see fit.  I just wanted more of God.  The thing is, as I was praying for God to have His way with me, I started to get a little mind wandered. Has that ever happened, you are praying and you are in "the zone" and then one little thing leads your mind to something else?  Sadly it happens to me more often than I'd like to admit! Well, as I was asking God to "have His way with me", I started to wonder....."God what is your will for my life?"  You see, I have some decisions I need to make in the next few months and I really want to hear from God about those decisions.  So I started to get anxious and ask God about it (yet again!).  It's good to bring all your anxieties to God because He cares about us...that's what the Bible says right?  Well yes, that is what the Bible says.  The problem is that I really wanted to spend time with God without the worries of tomorrow that always seem to creep into my quiet time.  I was trying to be very intentional and it was not working!

So, I decided I was going to silence my heart and my mind and just let God speak.  I sat in silence for a while and just waited for God to speak to me.  After a while, I sensed the Lord dropping Hebrews 4:11 in my mind.  I didn't know what that text consisted of but that is the scripture I felt the Lord impress on my heart.  So, I looked it up...

"Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience" 

I read that and at first I thought..."wow, that's great! yes, I will accept that invitation to rest in You".
And then I read it again, read the text before it, and meditated on what God was trying to tell me.

I started with the first part of the verse.....
"Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest..."

God wants us to enter into His rest.  That rest that He has reserved for His children. He wants us to come to Him and recieve the rest He has offered.  We need to be intentional about coming into His presence just to rest.  The problem is, I don't always do that. 
I enter with praise and thanksgiving, yes, but also with my list.  Sometimes, we need to put that list down and just rest in the arms of our Heavenly Father and in the assurance of His Word.

That was comforting to me and rather easy to accept from my Father.

Then I meditated on the second part....
"so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience"
Ummmm, not so easy to swallow!
It hit me like a ton of bricks.....
When I don't rest in God, when I don't recieve that peace and rest He longs to give us, what I am saying to God is:
"I don't believe You are who You say You are"
"I don't trust You with my problems  and circumstances"
"I don't trust You with my future"
The bible tells us to "trust in the Lord with all of our heart" (Prov 3:5), when we don't do that, we are being disobedient....hence, we are sinning. OUCH!

And that is not the kicker either....
The bible tells us that we are to be examples.  Why? Because others are watching us and our examples should lead people to Christ.  If others don't see us trusting God and resting in Him through our trials and circumstances, if they don't see us going to Him for rest, neither will they.  And that my friend, is tragic.
May my actions never lead someone away from Christ.

There is a saying that says:
"I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds my future"

I'm choosing to enter into His rest with the assurance of knowing that my Heavenly Father is in control of all things.  I don't need to fret about tomorrow because He has already been there!

Pa' Lante y Pal' Cielo!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another Goodbye.....

They say that one of the hardest things about being a missionary is all the goodbye's....

The goodbye's to your family
The goodbye's to your friends back home
The goodbye's to your friends that leave the field
The goodbye's to the people you serve when you are the one leaving the field...
The goodbye's to the wonderful people you meet on minister together in a super intense way with them, and witness God rocking their world...and then at the end of the week...another goodbye....

Yesterday, there was yet another goodbye.....

There are 2 little girls, Vilma and Erika, who were living at the girls home where I teach English. They are 7 and 4. Yesterday was their last day at the home. They are being transferred to another home that is more age appropriate for them.

They came to the home a few months ago as an emergency situation. The court called the directors of the home and asked if they could take them in. The girls were living with relatives because they were in an abusive home, but the relatives were not taking good care of the girls either. When I first met them, a day after they arrived at the home, they were super shy. The skin on their feet was burnt from the sun, their hair was matted, and they didn't speak Spanish. They only spoke Quiche, which is one of the native Mayan languages in Guatemala, and they sat in a corner. Fast forward a few months later; they are chatty Cathy’s speaking in Spanish, affectionate, super cheerful, and praises to God are being sung from their lips. I cannot tell you how much I love these girls. From the moment I met them, I wanted to adopt them and bring them home with me. Seriously, I did. Unfortunately, that is not an option for me at this time, for many reasons!!!

The court system found a home that is more age appropriate for them, as Mi Especial Tesoro is a home for adolescent girls. I know that in one sense, it is better for them because the new home has resources specifically for children their age. However, I can't help to think....."What will become of their life?” I don't know if the new home is a christian home. I can only trust that the seeds that were planted in these few months are rooted deep in their hearts and will continue to grow. I am believing that He who began the good work in their lives is faithful to complete it.

I think saying bye to Vilma and Erika was the hardest goodbye yet. I've only been a missionary for a year and I have had enough goodbyes! But at 4 and 7, I think they have had to say more than their shares of goodbyes as well.

Until next time friends,
Pa' Lante y Pal' Cielo!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Be a part of what God is doing in Guatemala!

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Guatemala! I pray this email finds you well.

God has been doing some amazing things here in Guatemala! For those that haven't seen my blog update, here is a brief summary of all that has been going on.

This summer I had the opportunity to work with 4 teams from around the USA and one team from Jamaica!. We ministered in various parts of the country through school and street evangelism, medical clinics, and construction projects. What a privilege to serve God's kingdom! The Word of God was heard by thousands of youth and children. Hundreds upon hundreds of people came to know Jesus as their personal Savior. The message of hope and love was spread throughout the country. Even as I am writing this, I am praising God for all He did this summer!

Kingdom work doesn't end when teams leave though! Currently, I am involved with 3 different ministries. I work with the local church and their women's ministry. This past weekend we had an event and saw many women set free by the Truth of His Word (for more about that, see my blog!). We have several outreaches planned for the next month and are working on some other events as well. I know that God is raising up women in Guatemala to be His hands and feet extended. This week I started the second "term" of English classes in the girls home. God has been doing an incredible work of restoration and healing in the lives of these young women, and God has allowed me the privilege to be a part of their lives. This summer the Lord placed in my heart a desire to begin a small bible study group with 3 college age girls in my home. I am excited to see what God is going to do in all our lives as we journey together through the Word of God.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve God in this beautiful country. I have witnessed his faithfulness and goodness time and time again. I am so thankful to all the people that have supported me both financially and through prayer and encouragement throughout this last year.

A few weeks ago, I read this quote: In a spiritual sense, missionaries are sent by God. In a practical sense, they are sent by laypersons with a vision for missions. We have God, missionaries and laypersons. Remove any one of these three factors and effective missions work will no longer exist. — Jerry Burgess

This statement could not be any more true!! Missionaries cannot do the work of the Lord without you!!

Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, my financial support has dropped significantly in the last few months. I am asking that you would consider how you could be a part of what God is doing in Guatemala. I know not everyone can come here and minister (although I'd LOVE to have you come!!!!), but you are able to play a significant role in what the Lord is doing here. Here is how;

Pray: Sow seeds of prayer into Guatemala...Please pray for: me and the ministries God has placed before me and the people of Guatemala-that they would have open hearts

Give: It is only because of my supporters that I am able to be here and commit my time fully to the service of God. Would you prayfully consider being a monthly supporter or giving a one time gift? I have attached the necessary forms that you can print out and mail.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Again, I am eternally thankful for all the support I have received thus far. God has blessed me incredibly thus far and I am confident that He will continue to provide.

The words of the apostle Paul ring true from my heart....

"I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now..."
Phil. 1: 3-5

Pa Lante y Pal' Cielo! (onward and upward!)

you would like to make a donation in my name, you can send a check with Acct. # 2949329 written in the memo and send the check to

Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 North Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

If you would like to become a monthly contributor please email me for furthur information
For automatic credit card withdrawal you can print off and fill out the form with my account number (2949329) on the website below… then send it to the AGWM address posted above.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Food, Friends, and FREEDOM!!!

This past weekend, the Womens Ministry at Iglesia Vida hosted an event for the women of the church as well as their (women) friends and family.  The theme of the night was "You Have Made Me Free" and indeed the Lord set women free.  We had a lovely traditional dinner together and enjoyed some wonderful fellowship. It was great getting to know some of the women and hearing their stories.  Afterward, we worshiped together and even before the sermon and the alter call, started proclaiming freedom in Christ.  At the end several women responded to the alter call.  All of them desiring to be set free in some area in their lives.  It was so incredible to pray Gods truth and His promises over these women and see Gods peace settling over them.  It was an incredible time of blessing. 

Pastor Sarai bringing the message of hope and freedom
Yummy tradional Guatemalan food

Leadership Team....all wearing traditional Guatemalan blouses

I just added this pic because I LOVE this little boy!!!
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free inded" John 8:36

Pa Lante y Pal' Cielo!
