Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Boys Will Be Boys!

I'm in love!! The little boys at BCC have totally captured my heart!! I cannot get enough of them. Boys will be boys wherever in the world, that's for sure! On Monday we spent the afternoon at BCC. The 2nd and 3rd graders are in a combined class so the teacher had me helping her with the second graders. When we first met the children of BCC (or when anyone does really), we thought "oh how precious and sweet". After spending some time with them in the classroom, they are still precious. Sweet? Well maybe, but definitely mischievous! It was so much fun, even though they almost drove me to drink!I can't wait to share those stories! Anyhow, it was a really great experience because their personalities really came out. This last week and a half we have really been building relationships with theses kids and of course we each have a few that have captured our hearts. Mine are Hilium and Josiah. Josiah is a clown. He is so funny and outgoing. Hilium is a bit more serious until he gets to know you. It takes him a little longer to warm up, but when he does, he is a blast. These boys have brought me so much joy while here and I always look forward to spending time with them. There is also Michael. He is in 5th grade so he goes to a school outside the center. I don't get as much time with him because he doesn't get to BCC until about 4:30 and we usually have to leave by 5. I did get to spend some time with him on Saturday and Sunday. We had a team from Dallas come in and we all went to a crocodile and ostrich farm / amusement park. Michael made sure I was by his side the whole time. He saved me spot on the boat and on the swings, so that I could sit next to him. Its really cool because its really easy for us to fall in love with them, but they don't always warm up to us as quickly, so when they do things like that, its really special. Anyhow, on Sunday the team got to church before the interns and I did, and the Michael ran to the matatu (van) to ask "Where is Cicely?". Although I wasn't there, hearing about that was the highlight of my week because it shows that he is thinking about us as well! These boys have gripped my heart so much! All of the children are special but sometimes you create special bonds with some.

On Friday we leave to Brakenhurst which is a camp center. Another team from Dallas will be coming to do a sports camp there. We will be spending the 4 days there with the kids so we are super excited about that!!

Thanks for all your prayers. I have definetly felt them and am beniffiting from them. Thank you also for all your encouragment. God Bless!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lessons from the Slums!

Well its been almost a week since I have written and there is so much to tell!! However I won't bore you with every single detail!! Sunday we went to a church called Parkland Baptist Church! It was amazing. It was a very "Americanized" church, and I felt like I was back home (except for the 2 songs sang in Kiswahilli). The people were so welcoming and warm and the presence of God was in that place!! As always God met me right where I needed Him too!

Throughout the week we have spent most of out time at the Baptist Children Center, where I cooked lunch for the kids (I'm learning some Swahili dishes and I can make chapati!!!!) and taught some classes to the 2nd and 3rd graders. That was a blast. We sang songs at the end of class and just had a good time. I have grown to love those children as if they were my own. We went to visit another orphanage yesterday and all I could think of was our kids at BCC. They have such a special place in my heart and I dread having to leave them in a couple of weeks. Every time I think about leaving I get sad!

On Tuesday we had the opportunity to visit a school and community center in the Korogocho slums. It is not one of the biggest slums, but it is one of the worst slums in terms of crime. Over the weekend we did a walk through through the Kibera slums which is the biggest slum in Kenya. About 1.2 million people live there. There was such a huge difference between the 2. Although Kibera is the biggest slum, there was such a difference between the people in Kibera and the people in Korogocho. The people in Kibera seemed to be more at ease and had a look that although I cannot describe or figure out, I know it was not hopelessness. Whereas, in Korogocho, there was a restlessness all around. Until we reached the center. It was like a haven in the midst of a hopeless place. The center is run by a pastor who was one of the founders of BCC. In the center there is a school that goes up to 4th grade, a wood shop center to teach the boys in the community, and a sewing and beauty school for the girls. While there, we just toured the place and spent time talking to the director about the programs and what we can do while there. I was so impressed with this place. Not because of of its facilities because they were nothing incredible. In fact each classroom was about half the size of a trailer, if that. However, they filled the rooms with bright colors and everyone had such a joyous spirit there. It was incredible. At the end of our meeting, the pastor asked us to pray for the center before we left and then he prayed for us. As he began to pray I was overwhelmed by the presence of God in this place. I was reminded that God is at work everywhere! Wherever people call out to Him, He comes and answers. From the mega-churhes in America, to the slums in Nairobi and everywhere in between. God is no respecter of person, He will enter wherever He is wanted. The director and staff at the community center in Korogocho truly exampled what it means to have joy unspeakable and full of glory. Truly they had the joy of the Lord in them! We will be returning there 2 days next week and I am so excited! I want God to work in me and through me while I am there!!

So many times I have been overwhelmed by God during this trip but that was one I had to share with you. We have so much to learn from the humble people here that desire God so much and know what it means to truly rely on Him, because He is really ALL that they have. I praise God for every opportunity. Thank you for your prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can pray for as well. Your prayers are the reason God has sustained me here and filled me with peace. Nakupenda Sana!!! (I love you very much!!)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Sweetest Sound

There is nothing sweeter than the sound of children laughing. When babies laugh, we start to laugh as well. Its just brings us joy! Yesterday afternoon we went to the BCC to spend some time with the kids. It was nice because it was Saturday and they were not in school so we could really spend time with them. When we drove up to the orphanage we could hear the children playing and laughing. Enjoying the nice weather and having a good time and not having a care in the world. Though they have little to play with, that doesn't seem to stop them from having fun. When we got there, Simba, who is one of the caregivers, had them all come to the dining hall. We sang some songs together and then bought out all of our goodies! We had such a great time playing with them! I played candyland, soccer, frisbee, jump rope, bubbles, and catch! Man I miss being a kid!!! There was so much joy, from the children, the workers, and us!

I have learned from these children way more than I have taught them!! They literally have child like faith, the kind of faith we should have. The bible says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the children. Being with them, I can understand why.

They say that laughter is medicine for the soul....I don't know that its just our own laughter, because the laughter of children certainly blessed my soul!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Christ Love Compells Us!

2nd Cor. 5 13-14 - The Message
If I acted crazy, I did it for God; if I acted overly serious, I did it for you. Christ's love has moved me to such extremes. His love has the first and last word in everything we do.

Last night the staff at the AIM guesthouse where we are staying asked if I would do the morning devotion. Every morning, someone different gives a devotion and prays for the meal. This was the scripture that came to mind when I thought of all the different people that pass through the guesthouse. As I mentioned in previous blogs, this is a transitional place for career missionaries, as well as people on short term trips like us.

When I think about our stories and the things we are doing here, its obvious that the only reason we can do what we do, is because of Gods love. Why would anyone leave their families and the comforts of home, their friends and all that is familiar to them and come here? Because of Christs love. Our love for God makes us do things that make no sense in the earthly realm. How can we love people we don't even know? Because God loved us first! Everything we do has to reflect the love of God. I am so thankful for Gods love because without I would be so lost.

I praise God that we have not only had the chance to spread Gods love amongst those we meet, but that we have experienced Gods love through them as well!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Where do I begin? Well yesterday, we went to the BCC. In the morning I went to help out in the medical unit. The medical unit that they run there has a nurse and a lab technician. Martha, who runs the clinic, is a sweet lady who is gentle and loving. Shamilla, is the technician who works there and she is always smiling!! They were so happy to be getting help. While there, I helped them with their charts and supplies. The unit is there to serve the children and staff at BCC but also the community. I was amazed at how many people were there. Some came in because they had bad coughs, while others came in to be tested for HIV. Nevertheless they were all greeted and served with the love of Jesus by Martha and Shamilla. Every person that came in was treated as if they were the only person being treated that day. Thats not always typical when there are many patients in most clinics. I look forward to going back to the unit in the next few weeks and helping out more.

In the afternoon, I helped prepare lunch (which I must say came out pretty good!!). Daniel, the cook gave me instructions and I just followed them so really it wasn't that big of a deal, but again he and Agnes, the other cook were happy to have some help. After lunch, I spent some time in the classroom. They are in need of teachers. I was in the 2nd and 3rd grade class. There was one teacher for 2 classes and after talking to her, its obvious that that is taking a toll on her. I was able to give her a break today and go and read a story to her class which they sat mesmerized listening to. I am falling in love with those kids more and more every day. That could be dangerous!!!

My favorite part of the day was recess. I got to spend some time with the children. During recess the kids basically make mud and played in it. Reminds me of the good old days!!! It was sad and refreshing at the same time. Sad because they have no choice but to play with that for they have nothing else. Refreshing because kids in Americal hardly use their imagination anymore. Nevertheless, they were the most content so I got on my kness in the dirt and made mini mud huts with them. It was quite fun!!

Today was quite a different experience. I spent the day in the sewing class with the girls. BCC has a class for young ladies that are in and around the community. One girl travels 2 hours each day to get there. These are amazing young women. We pretty much talked the whole time!! They sang for me and I taught them some spanish (imagine that! me teaching spanish!!). Then it was Q&A time. They asked me all sorts of questions about America and my family and somewhere along the way we got to talking about relationships. It was really neat because I was able to talk to them about purity (Mad and Mel, you would've been proud!) and on waiting on God (I seem to have become an expert on that!!) I felt like God really used me and the girls were eating it up!!!

All in all, it has been amazing being here. I have met incredble people at the guesthouse where I am staying. Last night, for dinner, I sat at a table with a couple from the states that has lived in Tanzinia since the 80's and is heading home this week for good, a getleman from the Netherlands heading home on furlow from Sudan, and a young lady who is a Dr. from Canada who has been here 6 weeks doing volunteer. Everyday I meet new people from different places. God is really working everywhere! Its been quite amazing and encouraging.

Sorry this post is so long but there is so much to tell this wasn't even half of it, and some you just can't put into words. Until next time my friends!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Our Journey Begins!

What can I say? I love Kenya! I didn't say too much yesterday because I was really tired but there were things to tell. Sunday morning we went to BCC for church. As we drove there on the crazy, no rule or traffic light, streets of Kenya, I sat and observed everything I had such a sense of peace in my spirit. I felt so settled. I wasn't nervous or anxious. I was just at peace and I praise God for that because it just confirmed to me that for such a time as this, this is where I am supposed to be. I felt like I was right where God wanted me and I am in His hands.

When we got there, the kids were in Sunday School. Really they are some of the most well behaved kids I have ever met! And all so joyful! Of course at first they were shy, but once it was time for service they all came and sat next to (or on top of) us! They all made sure I knew exactly where to look in my hymnal book for the songs. They really blessed me! Its really amazing how blessed you get when you come to serve others! After that, we did not get to stay and visit too much because we had to get back to the Guesthouse or we would miss lunch. Like I mentioned it the previous blog, we just rested.

Today, we went back to BCC. We had an orientation there. Tony who is the director and an amazing man with an amazing vision, talked to us about the center. Then we toured the place and visited all the departments and met all the department heads. We now get to choose when and where we want to work in each of the departments. I am really excited about all of it! Most of the children remembered me! As a matter of fact, Tom asked them if they did and they said yes, and I guess he told them to sing (I'm guessing because he was speaking to them in Swahili) and they began to sing "Come and let us sing!" which is one of the songs that I taught them back in December. Sheila, who is one of the caregivers at BCC and lives there with the children, said that after we left, the kids were saying "come and let us sing is here!!" So quite! And that works for me, if they do not remember my name but they remember what they were taught, Praise the Lord!!! After our tour and orientation, we helped serve lunch to the children and also ate with them. We had ugali, which is basically flour put in hot boiling water until it get thick. It looks like bread but does not have much flavor. Along with that we had cabbage, carrots, and I think spinach all boiled together. It was actually pretty good. Not what I would want all the time, but defiantly doable. After that we headed back home.

Because it was still early when we got back, we decide to take a walk. Down the road, about a 30 minute walk from here there is a plaza. In the plaza there is a huge super market called Nakumatt that is like a Kenyan Walmart except they have so much more! It was exciting to walk down the street like the locals. Everything is backwards here, and by the way, pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way..EVER!!! I'm pretty sure we were walking on the wrong side of the street. We are also pretty up high so I had to breathe a lot harder during that walk then I normally do! It was really cool to venture out though. We had alot of fun and don't worry...we took every precaution!

All in all, it has been a great day! God has kept us and is continuing to unite us! Thanks for all your prayers! Until next time!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Well I have arrived! We arrived last night to the AIM Guest House a little bit after 10. Our flights were nice and smooth and although we had to run to catch the flight from London to Nairobi, we made it! When we got here last night, I was extremely jet lagged. I did not sleep on the plane, and I figured I would knock out when I got here since we got here late. Not the case! I was up till about 1 or 2 unpacking, getting organized, reading, ect. Thankfully since we arrived on Saturday night, we did not have a full schedule today. We went to the Baptist Children Center, where we will be doing most of our work, and worshipped with them at their service. It was great to see the kids again! After that we came back, ate lunch and took naps and before we knew it, it was dinner time! They ring a bell here at meal times. Pretty cool!

Tomorrow, the real work begins. I am so excited and looking forward to working at the BCC. The theme for this trip is flexibility!! We pretty much take it day by day and see where we are needed. Tom, who works for Buckner here in Kenya, said he will try to get us to as many places as possible. We know we will be at BCC and at some point at the baby AIDS home. I am really looking forward to that.

Sorry there isn't much to tell on this blog but these last couple days have just been orientation and traveling so not much excitement. Plus I am pretty tired and not much in a thinking mode! I will say that my 2 teammates are great and I anticipate the work that God will do in and through us. Also, I have my own room. Very unusual on a missions trip, but, I am highly favored!! :) Watch my next blog I will be telling you they moved me!!! :)
Please continue to pray for all those things I listed in my first blog but add healing to the list. I am not completely sick but I am still very congested and its not fun! I praise God because I no longer have sinus or fever!

I look forward to continue sharing with you throughout the coming weeks!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

First Stop

So I made it to Dallas. I just got here about an hour ago. I will be here with some friends today and tomorrow and then Thursday is my orientation. There was a lot of turbulence on the flight and since I am battling a sinus infection, it was not pleasant. My head felt like it was going to explode. But at least I don't have a fever like I did yesterday! Please pray that I am completely healed before I get on that 9 hour flight on Friday! Anyhow, tonight I am meeting up with some of the Kenya trip participants from the December trip and I am really looking forward to that!

Now for the serious stuff! God is so awesome. I am so thankful that he takes care of me and know every detail of my life, down to the number of hairs on my head. Many of you all know I quit my job to do this internship. I have had quite a peace about that. However as of late, there have been times when I have been a little anxious! Last Thursday at the prayer meeting, one of the sisters came up to me after church and asked her if I had an i pod to bring with me. I told her no, and she said "well I want to bless you with one to take on your trip". I was surprised and thankful. On Sunday, she brought me the ipod. Afterwards I went up to her to thank her again and she said "I felt like the Lord wanted me to give you that to show you that He wants to bless you and take of you..I know you have been stressed about your job but don't worry, God will take care of that. He just wants you to know that He is taking care of you and wants to bless you" Well....PRAISE THE LORD! That was exactly what I needed to hear! God is so faithful, and He cares so much about us that He sends us gifts and more importantly people to give us encouragement! I am so thankful to my God and I feel so blessed!!

Until next time!!